Sunday, October 7, 2012



 Just imagine what the GOP right-wing politicians would be subjected to do if the president was re-elected.  Included in this vision is a Democrat controlled Senate and GOP dominated House that has been substantially weakened by it voting power.  Would John Boehner finally have to discover that there is a word called negotiation?  Would Mitch McConnell exercise the filibuster powers of the Senate until there is no end?  These and other questions have dominated the imagination of many political junkies such as myself and my closes like mined liberals.
     We have concluded that since there is another mid-term election in 2014, that the Tea Party nuts will be voted out because of their extreme positions and obstructions.  Many large bills will be passed as there will be no incentive to "take out" the President anymore.  Many of the extreme conservatives will move to the center  primarility because it will no longer be "fashionable to bash the president" anymore.
     It can be easily assumed that the Latino population can smell power at the voting booth.  I do not believe that voter suppression is over.  In fact, I can see it directed more at the Latino population as the state of Arizona is looking very ripe for a take over by Latino constitutients.  Of course this is just speculation, however, when you look at the southwest latino population you can also see that Texas is also ripe for the assertion of latino voting power.  Please note the link that addresses this problem.   ( What does it mean?  It simply means that the Latino populatiion of Florida (with it's Cuban population that votes conservative) will no longer be the dominant Latino party.  It's the Mexican-Americans that will finally have it's say so in American politics.

     As for President Obama, this is welcome news as one might easily see the addition of congressional men and women of Latino decent entering the political system in high numbers.  The southwest Latino population will take up a large part of the Democrats voting block.  That's the Obama's secret weapon in the 2014 midterm elections that will allow for some ground breaking legislation.  As the Latino population grows and asserts its voting power, the GOP will see it's power weaken until it is no longer viable relative to their extremism of social and racial philophies.